About our Family

Bill and I live in Boise, Idaho. We have 4 children. Samantha is our oldest, She is 12 years old. Shane is our next child and he is 10 years old. Alyssa is the next and she is 5 years old. Makayla is our youngest and she is 18 months old.We enjoy living here in Boise. Bill has his own Dental Practice and it keeps him really busy. I get to stay home with the kids, and try to be supermom as I juggle all the kids activities!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Shane's Spirit Week at School

Spirit Week

Shane got to dress up for spirit week at school. Each day the had a different theme from the past years. Monday was the 50's, Tuesday was the 60's, Wednesday was the 70's, Thursday was the 80's, and Friday was the future. He tried to dress up most of the days. I only got pictures of him on 60's day and future day. He looked awesome.

Peace Out!!


Check out the vest mom threw together that morning, not bad, but she got the peace sign wrong. It must have been to early for her. Sorry Shane for the mix-up.

O.K. No glasses..You look to much like a girl!

Future Day
Shane came up with the idea for this costume. Who knew tin foil and duct tape could be so useful, and make such a cool costume. Great thinking Shane!!!

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