About our Family

Bill and I live in Boise, Idaho. We have 4 children. Samantha is our oldest, She is 12 years old. Shane is our next child and he is 10 years old. Alyssa is the next and she is 5 years old. Makayla is our youngest and she is 18 months old.We enjoy living here in Boise. Bill has his own Dental Practice and it keeps him really busy. I get to stay home with the kids, and try to be supermom as I juggle all the kids activities!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shane's Blue and Gold Banquet

A tropical Paradise

This year for Shane's Blue and Gold banquet, the scout leaders asked the boys to decorate a cake that had to do with a tropical theme.  They had a Hawaiian Lua for all the families, which included dinner (hawaiian haystacks) and a program afterwards. They had some polynesian dancers come and perform dances fron the different islands of Hawaii.  One of the girls in my young womens named Adrianna Lutu got up and did a dance from Samoa, where she is from. She had performed it in the Junior Miss pageant earlier this year. She did a great job. At the end they had the boy scouts get up and learn a dance from Tahiti called the Haka, were men shout, stomp, slap their bodies, and stick out their toungues.  They performed it for all of us.  It was right up Shane's alley-he likes to shout, stick his toungue out and make funny faces. He did good. I was sooooo mad I forgot to take my camera. These pictures are of Shane and the cake he made at home.

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