About our Family

Bill and I live in Boise, Idaho. We have 4 children. Samantha is our oldest, She is 12 years old. Shane is our next child and he is 10 years old. Alyssa is the next and she is 5 years old. Makayla is our youngest and she is 18 months old.We enjoy living here in Boise. Bill has his own Dental Practice and it keeps him really busy. I get to stay home with the kids, and try to be supermom as I juggle all the kids activities!

Friday, October 31, 2008

California Trip Day 2

Day 2 (Sunday- Bill's Birthday) Coronado Beach,
and Silverstrands Beach (San Diego).
Sunday we got up and walked to the beach from our hotel. Their was a path that lead to the beach. There was a harbor with a lot of boats, and gift shops along the way. When we got to the beach, there was a local surf contest between the high schools. It was fun to watch them, and the kids had a blast looking for shells. Later that afetnoon we drove down to San Diego to Silverstrands Beach. The kids got dirty in the sand, and braved the big waves! The Birthday boy even got in and got wet! He and the others tried their luck on a Boggie board. That night we had ding dongs (no cake at their walmart) and icecream in the hotel with all of Bills family!
Uncle Mike and Xander

Samantha & Cheyenne

Cousin- Michael
Getting wet!!
Samantha and Cheyenne

Day 1 (Saturday) Fly into California and get to hotel really late!

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