About our Family

Bill and I live in Boise, Idaho. We have 4 children. Samantha is our oldest, She is 12 years old. Shane is our next child and he is 10 years old. Alyssa is the next and she is 5 years old. Makayla is our youngest and she is 18 months old.We enjoy living here in Boise. Bill has his own Dental Practice and it keeps him really busy. I get to stay home with the kids, and try to be supermom as I juggle all the kids activities!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Horse Riding

After the Marathon, we went to my Uncle Deans and Aunt Kristen's house for lunch. Uncle Dean saddled up one of his horses and gave all the kids a ride. They had a lot of fun! The kids also got to play with their dogs and birds. Shane loved the birds and did not want to leave. Thanks for the fun memories Dean and Kristen! Samantha
Shane and Caleb

Shane and Dean

Alyssa and Katelyn

Alyssa and katelyn


Hills said...

I love riding horses! Nice pics and cute kids!
Ryan, Woods, and I live in Sitka, Alaska. I keep in contact with Tiff pretty well. I see her almost every time I go down to IF. We get together with Necia every once in awhile. It's fun to see them again. I only have yours and Lora's blog. But let me know if you know any others and I will let you know if I find any others. Good to hear from you!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Linda,
I found your blog via James Randall's facebook...hope you don't mind my lurking! Your family is darling! Isn't it crazy to see all these people from HS and their kids? Time flies!