About our Family

Bill and I live in Boise, Idaho. We have 4 children. Samantha is our oldest, She is 12 years old. Shane is our next child and he is 10 years old. Alyssa is the next and she is 5 years old. Makayla is our youngest and she is 18 months old.We enjoy living here in Boise. Bill has his own Dental Practice and it keeps him really busy. I get to stay home with the kids, and try to be supermom as I juggle all the kids activities!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Shane Waterskiing at Bear Lake

1 comment:

Dr. Drake said...

Way to go SHANE!
We love watching your family.
Awsome water skiing trainer!
Is that Tom wearing a wet suit?
Didn't he used to think those were for sissys?
He ran a marathon-- NOT A SISSY! He can wear whatever he wants!