Happy New Year!!!
The Hughes clan all together
All of my family got together here in Boise to celebrate Christmas and New years. We had everyone together, and that was alot of fun! We exchanged Christmas gifts, went shopping, made and launched rockets, went to the movies (Madagascar 2), had a baby blessing, and rang in the new year. YAAA 2009!!!
Grandma and Grandpa Scholes House
The day after Christmas we went to Bill's parents for the weekend. It was fun to see grandparents, Uncle Ryan, Uncle Alan, and Uncle Mike, Aunt JalyLyn, and cousin Xander. Samantha and Shane had fun downstairs playing the Wii with Uncle Ryan. Samantha especially liked the new High School Musical 3 dance game. Alyssa had fun playing with all the toys under the stairs.
Christmas 2008
My kids were so excited Christmas morning to wake up, and find that Santa had come to our house. The all got what they wanted. And we had an enjoyable morning opening our gifts.
Bill and the girls with the gift Samantha made us (A 2009 Calendar with lots of beautiful artwork)
Shane and I with the gift he and his teacher gave us. Shane made (painted and decorated it with ribbon and jewels) the peace candle and his teacher made the ornament of Shane in his santa hat for us.
Samantha with the password journal santa brought her
Shane with his Tribot
Pulling the kids behind the truck in the sled (The 4-wheeler battery was dead)
The kids had a blast! Alyssa liked it, but I think she had just as much fun sitting in the back of the truck with mom watching her crazy brother and sister.
We went to my sister Lora's house that evening to decorate gingerbread houses and have a nice Christmas Eve dinner. The kids had fun decorating the gingerbread houses, and even more fun eating the candy!
I just had to throw in this picture of Alyssa- she was being so darn cute!
Alyssa getting herself ready to wrap up as a present
Samantha playing Webkinz on the computer. Between her and Shane I don't think our computer had much of a break when we were home.
Shane and Dad playing the Wii
Christmas Eve we came home from Lora's house and like every year our family read the nativity story from the scriptures. Samantha was Mary, Shane was Joseph, and Alyssa was baby Jesus (Ya, she is a little to old for that part, but she really wanted to be the baby). Then each year we let the kids open one gift on Christmas eve, and every year it happens to be pajama's and an ornament for the tree. Not much of a suprise, but then they get to wear their new pajama's to bed.
Christmas Eve Highlights
We had a fun christmas eve, as you can see from the following pictures.